Screenshot 2022-07-01 at 12.33.43.png

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A fighter (ā€œteacherā€) who knows a certain ability, can teach it to another fighter (ā€œapprenticeā€).

šŸŽ“Ā Teaching marketplace

<aside> šŸŖ This is part of a V2


A marketplace of teachers will be created. Teachers can list the ability they want to teach and their price. A teacher cannot teach and fight or be merged at the same time. Teaching (and Learning) is a full-time activity.

Teaching a common ability will take 5 hours, rare abilities take 2 days, **while epic abilities can only be transferred (teach it once and forget it)

If a teaching listing is acquired by an apprentice, the teacher will automatically be locked for the necessary amount of time. If the teacher is currently taking part to a tournament/fight, they will be locked at the end of the event. If the teacher is enrolled for an upcoming tournament, in conflict with the teaching schedule, their listing will automatically be hidden from the marketplace and made visible again, as soon as the conflict is resolved.

Teaching marketplace will be available as a third tab on the Marketplace on V2 of KAYO

šŸ§ Ā Reinforcing / Forgetting Abilities

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Fighters can improve their abilities by using them regularly in combat. At the same time, players can unlearn some abilities if they donā€™t use them regularly.

                                     Abilities can be forgotten over time

                                 Abilities can be forgotten over time

All the abilities have a mastery level. The mastery level increases as the player use the ability and decreases when the ability isnā€™t used. When reaching the lowest mastery level, fighters have a chance of unlearning the ability.

Fighters that use an ability a lot will be faster at teaching it

The speed at which an ability levels up or is forgotten is influenced by the quality of the teacher (TBD)

<aside> šŸ’” Next: Game Economy
