<aside> 💡 This is part of our MVP
Players can join tournaments with different sets of rules, such as entry conditions, ticket prices, prize pools, nbr of necessary wins, nbr of defeats permitted, abilities allowed, and many more.
<aside> 🏆 Example of tournament format: Players must achieve 3 wins in a row against other players participating in the same tournament to earn the prize pool. If they lose in the process, they will be eliminated from the tournament. Considering only 1/8 participants will reach the victory, the prize pool can be 8x the ticket price in this case.
The number of players live not being sufficient to provide synchronous matching and fights, tournaments will be pre-scheduled. Exception made for quick fights.
Players who want to participate in tournaments, will need to be connected during those sessions and do all their fights one after the other. In case of absence of a player, their fighter will automatically apply the strategy from their last fight/round.
Live single fights you can do on the go.
Free-to-play tournaments are tournaments reserved to free fighters only. They reward significantly less XP than premium tournaments and don’t reward cash or cards prize pools (expect rare cases).
They will always be played as scheduled, in case the X/X fighters required to play the tournament are not all registered, bots will be used to replace the vacant seats.
XP tournaments are reserved to premium fighters only. They reward more XP than free-to-play tournaments but mostly don’t reward financial rewards. On rare occasions, they reward sponsored prize pools such as entry tickets, NFTs, abilities, and minor cash prize pools.
They can require minor amounts of entry tickets or in some cases are free (bots behaviors need partciular attention in the latter case).
They also always are run as scheduled, as absent participants are replaced by bots.
Prize pool premium tournaments require larger amounts of tickets to participate. They are pre-scheduled and are canceled in case the required amount of attendees is not reached. In that case, tickets and fighters are returned to their owners. Prize pool tournaments reward more XP in addition to: Cash prize pools, NFTs, abilities, and entry tickets.